Kays Translations

Just another Isekai Lover~

Chapter 33: The Strongest Onmyoji Heads to the Beastman Capital

Thanks to the letter I had sent out in advance, by the time we arrived at the royal capital of the beastmen, preparations for the assembly were complete.

Various races of beastmen are seated in the assembly hall.

However, perhaps due to the difference in economic power, there seemed to be a lot of cat people.

“Nikkle Nora didn’t return in time, but the conclusion won’t change.”

An old cat person with long hair said.

“I will send a message to our compatriots living around the great volcano at the end and urge them to evacuate. How are the arrangements?”

“We're already moving forward.”

A young black-haired cat person who must be a bureaucrat answers frivolously.


“We’ve already set a target for the settlements to receive them, and we’ve already sent out the news. We’ll have plenty of time before the eruption.”

“They're going to be forced out of their houses. I think they will need enough financial support, but what about that?”

When asked by another cat person wearing a monocle, the young cat person naturally answers.

“Of course, we’ll spend it out of the national treasury. It can’t be helped because it’s a time like this. Even if you overestimate the population of that area, I think it’s enough to cover it. We cat people are rich even among the demons.”

“A cat person, right?”

The sharp-eyed dog man muttered in a heavy voice.

“Don’t you forget that this is a gathering of beastmen? It's almost as if there are no other races that contribute to tax revenue.”

“No way! I’m sorry, it was my slip of the tongue.”

“... I would like to make a request.”

An old rabbit man with long drooping ears raised his hand and said.

“I would like to ask for consideration for those who have a lot of livestock. It will take time for them to evacuate, and it should be difficult to find a feeding ground at the receiving site. If possible, please help with personnel and feed...”

“We can’t do that.”

The young catkin continued curtly at the wide-eyed rabbitkin man.

“In other words, it’s unfair. People who have other assets, such as houses and land, will lose it, so why should we help them? From the beginning?” Aren’t you dissatisfied with people who have nothing?”


“You can sell livestock.”

A young catman narrows his eyes and says.

“Let’s convert our assets into money before they become liabilities. In times like these, we need to be light. If you want, I can give you a quote from my business association.”

“Don’t be ridiculous! You’re just trying to get a discount because it’s an emergency! Above all, ...... cattle raising is a traditional industry of our people! We can’t just lightly give up the livelihood we have inherited from our ancestors like that!”

“Hmm, do as you like.”

Putting his chin on his chin, the young cat man said languidly.


“The national treasury doesn’t have a lot of money. The amount of support we can provide is limited. If there’s something you want to protect, you have to do your best.”

At first glance, it seems like a fair opinion, But in fact, it was a reasoning that was convenient only for cat people.

As a commercial race, their assets are money, precious metals, and commodities. It depends on the item, but at least it’s much easier to carry than livestock, and it’s easy to use even at the evacuation site.

The lawmakers here are also involved in political festivals. No one would be unaware of this fact.

Even so, the reason why no objections were raised may be because the cat people have a strong voice.

“That’s why, young lady, don’t be so selfish.”

The young cat-man turned his face to King Fili Nair and said with a half-smile.

“Even the amount of money we can give to our compatriots is limited. Expenditures for other races cannot be understood by the people. Isn’t that right? Everyone”

There are no particular voices of support.

However, the atmosphere in the chamber seemed to approve of it.

It’s a bad flow.

But still――――.

“... Um, Fili.”

King Fili Nair looked around the hall and timidly opened her mouth.

“I tried so hard to convince you guys, but, Fili, unlike everyone else, I’m not a proper king, so I couldn’t think of anything at all,....... So instead, I came up with a money-making scheme. Fili is good only at money.”

The atmosphere in the assembly hall changed slightly.

“If everyone makes a lot of money, you’ll listen to Fili, right?”

The assembly hall is noisy.

It was strangely noisy.

Half of it is asking what the young girl is saying.

However, in the other half, there is a dim excitement of anticipation.

“I’d like to hear it.”

The cat person wearing a monocle said.

“It’s a profitable story brought by the merchant king’s daughter. As a merchant, how could I not be interested?

“Hmm, what is it? Talk about making money.”

The young cat person also spoke in a trying voice.

Waiting for the meeting room to calm down, King Fili Nair began to speak.

“Fili wants to help not only the beastmen, but also the other races if possible,” she said. But money is limited. So I think it would be a good idea to issue gift certificates and loan them out. Tell them that they will have to pay us back when the recovery is complete.”

“Um, what is a gift certificate…?”

King Fili Nair answered the old cat man’s question.

“It is a paper ticket that can be used in place of money to buy goods. The amount is written on the face value, based on human money. How many silver coins, how many copper coins, and so on. With that, they buy the goods and food they need.”

“... In short, it’s like a receipt issued by a human bank.”

A cat person wearing a monocle said.

A receipt is basically a receipt issued to the owner by a merchant who has contracted to store precious metals.

Because the receipt itself has value, it can be bought and sold in order to be exchanged for items in custody.

“Do we use national treasury money as collateral?”

“Yeah. For those who want it, I’ll exchange the gift certificate for the amount of money written on the face value. Then everyone can use it with peace of mind, right?”

“Ah, I understand. What?”

The young cat person erased her smile and asked.

“Other races will use it to help the refugees. The merchants who used it will ask us to exchange it for money. Instead of returning the gift certificate, the money will come out of the national treasury. That’s all. We can make some time difference, but in the end, aren’t we just lending money to people who don’t know if they’ll be able to pay it back?”

There was silence in the assembly hall, as if in agreement.

Actually, I can only think so.

But King Fili Nair shakes her head.

“No. I’m not lending you money, I’m lending you a gift certificate. So, when you repay the loan, you will be asked to pay it back in gift certificates.”

After a moment of silence, the assembly hall began to roar.

“What do you mean, what will happen then? Will another tribe have to buy it back after the reconstruction?” “ If so, they can sell them for more than their face value.” “There is no point in exchanging them for coins if they are expected to rise in value. If the price is expected to rise, there is no point in exchanging them for money. If I were the young lady, I would issue the coupons again when the price rises, and buy up more coins than the face value.” “No. As long as it’s promised to be exchanged for money, it can’t go below its face value......”

“Oh, I see”

The young cat person whispered softly.

“Miss, you want to use this as currency.”


King Fili Nair nodded.

“I know that other races will eventually need it. That’s why people don’t rush to exchange it for money. Light and convenient paper currency... I think it will continue to be used as banknotes.”

I suddenly think back to my previous life.

Come to think of it, the Song dynasty had a similar system.

Paper money was in circulation instead of heavy, hard-to-use metal money.

“... I understand what you want to do. But isn’t this just a receipt after all?”

The old cat person asked with a difficult face.

“Certainly, if you want to do that, you can issue more than the national treasury has. However, that is in exchange for the risk of bankruptcy.

“For a while. But it will be fine eventually.”

The old cat-man looked puzzled at King Fili Nair’s reply.

“Eventually... what do you mean?”

“The difference between Fili’s banknotes and ordinary deposit receipts is that they can be used in a very wide range and can be used instead of money.

“I understand that, but...”

“Thanks to that, exchange with money can be discontinued in the future.”


The old catman asks back with wide eyes.

“That’s... what do you mean? If you do that, the value of the banknote will fall to the ground in the blink of an eye.”

“That’s what happens when you do it in a hurry, but a little bit at a time will do. At first, I would put a limit on the amount, and I would also limit the period of time during which they can be exchanged. Then gradually reduce the amount. At the end, you can cut it off completely and no one will care about it. By the time you can do that, Fili, i’ll probably be a grandmother..”

“... no way”

The old cat-man shakes his head.

“If that happens, the banknotes won’t have any backing. What in the world will continue to secure the value of the scraps of paper that the young lady makes?”


The cat girl said it as if it were a matter of course.

“Money’s value isn’t made by the gold or silver inside it. It’s value is created by people believing it’s worth it....It’s like a king, isn’t it? Fili can sit here. Because everyone believes Fili’s throne is worth it.”


“Credit that is widely used by various races. Trust that has been used for a long time. When that kind of thing accumulates, it’s okay to cut off the exchange. Fili banknotes should be able to stand on their own as money.”

I was born in a different world and lived for a long time, but it was the first time I had heard this theory.

It’s hard to believe that such a thing would really work. In fact, the last time I visited the Song Dynasty, paper money had lost a lot of value.

However, there is something in King Fili Nair’s words that makes him believe it.

The young cat person asks.

“... Normally, you need gold, silver, and copper to make money.


King Fili Nair nodded.

“As long as we have paper, Fili and the others will be able to make as much money as they want. What do you think? Investigate, right?”

“It wasn’t just about making money.”

The assembly hall is in an uproar.

“No way, such a convenient thing” “It shouldn’t be possible to issue as much as you want. A crash will occur.” Will be needed eventually.” “The distribution volume can be adjusted easily.” Even the sphere...”

“Interesting, I agree!”

The young cat person said excitedly.

“You need printing tools, don’t you? You can donate them from my company.”

“What are you going to do about the design to prevent counterfeiting?  Is it necessary to arrange for a craftsman?”

“I need to hurry up and consider the quality of the paper. Shall I prepare some samples? Miss.”

Merchants are getting excited to get a piece of the business of the century.

Clearly, the atmosphere had completely changed from beforMisl

But at that time.

“I want you to take it easy!”

The one who suddenly raised his voice was the rabbit man earlier.

“If you listen quietly, it’s all about money in this emergency. Did you forget that you are the king of the beastmen, King Fili Nair!”

“Eh, so, but...”

“It’s not just the merchants here!”

Looking calmly, there was a temperature difference in the air in the assembly hall.

The main ones that stand out are the commercial race, the cat people. Other races have some cold eyes.

“It would be nice for the cat people to receive the benefits. But what about the other races?  Because of the profit story, the victims who are stuck in debt will be happy about it?”


“We have a life that we have protected. Not everyone can live like a catman. Excuse me.”

Saying that, the rabbit kin man got up from his seat.

Seemingly in agreement with the man, others began to leave their seats as well.


King Fili Nair stopped them with a loud voice.

“The way of life you’ve protected... is it that cheap?”


“A worthless thing that you can get without paying anything?  Is it something you can get just by picking it up, like a stone in the neighborhood?”

The rabbit man sharpens his eyes.

”You may be the king, but no more than that........”

“Isn’t that right?”

King Fili Nair interrupted the man’s words.

“Once you lose it, you won’t be able to get it easily, so it’s important, isn’t it? If you just keep doing it, you won’t be able to keep it, right?”


“Fili, I know. There are more and more rabbit people who sell their livestock because they are having trouble making ends meet. Actually, there are also people who want to buy it back.”


“It’s not just rabbit kin. Every race has something they want to protect and something they want to obtain. Something very valuable and important to each of them.”

“... so what are you going to say?”

“Fili will help you with that.”

King Fili Nair looks straight at the rabbit man with her eyes wide open and says.

“Fili, because I’m the king. I can’t do it like everyone else…but I know a lot about money.

“... Is it okay if I trust you? Such a convenient thing.”

“Leave it to me!”

King Fili Nair spoke confidently with an expression that would have been unimaginable since the first time we met.

“Fili will make a lot of money for everyone!”


“Haa~, I’m tired...”

On the top of the dragon, King Fili Nair said exhaustedly.

The sun was already setting.

“Fili, it’s the first time I’ve talked like that...”

“Really... I think you did a good job.”

I gave a small word of thanks to the cat girl.

Shortly after that, financial support from the beastmen was officially decided.

Since we don’t have much time, it looks like it will be a piece of paper with a simple design at first, but it seems like King Fili Nair’s idea has been passed.

“Is it really possible to do what you said?”

“Hmm...? I don’t know.”

King Fili Nair replied with such a disturbing answer while still exhausted.


“Because it’s something no one has ever done. I can’t say that it’s going to go well. But if it goes the way Fili thinks...it’ll be fine. I have to continue to be trusted.”

“That’s... your banknote?”

“The banknotes, and Fili herself.”.”

King Fili Nair said gloomily.

“Even the king must be trusted. If everyone thinks that Fili is no good, the throne will be taken away and the next auction will start.


“But Fili... I’ll do my best.”

King Fili Nair said quietly, enthusiastically.

“Thanks to Papa’s hard work, now everyone is listening to Fili, so I have to work hard too.”

“... you’ve changed a lot.”

I mutter involuntarily.

“You seem like a different person than when we first met.”

Everyone here has changed in such a short time.

But perhaps the biggest change of all is her.

“... Huh. Fili thinks so too.”

The cat girl replied with a shy smile.

The other kings also started talking.

“Actually, no matter how many times I asked, I couldn’t understand…!”

“I’m sure you couldn't. It was a little hard to believe for me too.”

“Fili Nair has always been good at arithmetic.”

“It might be better to sell the beastmen a flattery now…”

“Eh?  Then Plushe, please give me something again. Fili, I’d like a carpet this time.”


I turned my attention to the devil boy who was silently staring at the edge of the forest.


Since then, King Athos hasn’t uttered a single word in front of us.

He nods and shakes his head, so I can at least understand his intentions. However, there was a tendency to avoid further exchanges.

“King Athos... are you okay?”

At that time, Risolera asked quietly.

“You don’t have to overdo it. If it’s just one race, I think it’ll work out even if you can’t get cooperation.”

King Athos closed his eyes and gently shook his head.

Seeing that, I tell Risolera.

“... no, let’s go”

King Athos remained silent---but he didn’t seem depressed.

Even as he lost his close servant in the worst possible way, there was a quiet determination in his eyes.

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